Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am way, way behind (behind in a way that probably seems more like you don't think of me as a friend anymore 'cause I'm so behind on getting back to you) on emailling.

There are many BIG things happening to people that I love (love, but apparently can't make myself take the time to respond to your emails).


Congrats on new houses and babies and engagements and new career paths. I am truly happy and excited (and let's be honest - a tad jealous) for you all.

I have been spending my time eating popsicles and watching Jeopardy.

Well, I did that a couple times. I've actually been spending all of my leisure time (of which I have more than you - so there) flying kites. It's become a passion of ours.

Wait - there was no wind and the kite never actually "flew". I must say that my legs are a very ladylike color. Obviously I haven't been working in the fields.

So then there was the Olympics which we spent like this.

We have had two (yes two) excursions to the Zoo.

We saw a Cards game at the new stadium for the first time.

We helped get a President elected. That was pretty cool.

No more pictures - it's too complicated.

Family came in town. Friends came in town. Lots of hanging out and eating and drinking.

My life sounds very fun when I leave out all the work parts.

In real news we have been officially debt free since 10/21/08. That was our BIG goal of '08 - so awesomeness.

I'm supposed to blog once a week (at least) starting this week. Let's see how that goes. Don't hold your breath on the emails - just know I'm happy for yous-kids.


Anonymous said...

WOW !! Debt free- how cool !! That's my goal this year.
It's so nice to see you blogging again. Since I don't see you often, it's nice to have a way to see what's happening in your lives.

: )

Unknown said...

Rewarded for the spontaneous visit to this site :). Missing you (which I realize is a little lame)

lildira said...

Notice I'm already a day behind on that "must blog once a week" thing.

I'm a work in progress.

April said...

Speaking of kites--you guys, me and one of these on a windy day.