I know I need to focus on getting rid of useless clutter. But sometime useless things can make you smile. Here are two of my current favorites in the useless category:
I got the lil white girl at Rotofugi a year ago in Chicago. The smiley rainbow Buddy Chub is from Star Clipper which is right across the street. Buddy Chub is part of a new blind box collection by Friends With You.
They make such sweet friends.
Bonus: Buddy Chub has bells inside him! He rocks back and forth making lil twinkle sounds. It makes the lil white girl smile.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Cute-Clutter Friends
Posted by
7:37 PM
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Good and Bad
I was supposed to see my two good friends who where in town for a weekend wedding. For some reason we could never connect with each other.
This was the (very) Bad of this post's title.
It was INSANELY crazy and busy and weird in the Loop (and at work) today. It was due to a number of reason. BUT at the very end of the day, as we where finally leaving work, my friend got a guy playing his guitar on the street to lone him the guitar and we all sang Violent Femmes with a crowd of onlookers. It was amazing and a sweet end to a bad day.
Then I got home and checked my email and was greeted by this:
- it's my sweet lil nephew Jack lookin' cuter than a baby should!
Now that it's all over I am only sad about the fact that I never got to see/hang out with my girl and her man. It still makes me sad.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Work + Life = Hard
When the sun shines on my windowsill it makes me happy and hopeful.
Work has been annoying, hard, long, frustrating, and never-ending by turns.
It's hard for me to then go home and get laundry, cleaning, dishes, cooking, done and then try to focus on what I actually want to do with my life (sewing, drawing, writing). Instead I sit down and watch the season finale of America's Next Top Model (Anya totally should have won).
I need to restructure my life so that what I spend the majority of my time doing is what I want to do and what makes me happy. I have only myself to blame for not getting things done outside of work. It's just too easy to excuse "couch-tv-time" when this month has flown by with barely a day off.
Posted by
1:32 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Make Believe. Not War.
I haven't been this excited by a movie trailer in a long, long time.
If you haven't seen the trailer yet - DO.
Posted by
1:17 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
He finally has one.
Jameson's family got him a late birthday gift (thanks to some amazing searching by the Yi).
It is the perfect gift. Yi got him the new Smash Bros. game - Brawl. I could not even begin to tally the hours they both spent playing Melee - now they have a new one to dominate each other at.
Too bad we only have one controller, we'll have to save up for a second one. But it's still an amazing gift!
Posted by
12:31 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Jack Valentine Holst
He is beautiful:
His daddy took this picture right after he was born.
8 pounds .04 ounces of sweetness.
Posted by
5:35 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Jack Valentine Holst (first grandbaby in Jameson's family) was born today!!!
I get to meet him tomorrow!!!
If you don't know - I effin' LOVE babies.
Posted by
11:40 PM
Budget v Shoes
Jameson and I started a hard core budget 2 months ago. Here is our Budget Box:
Notice the futuristic cardboard of the used envelope box! Our budget does not allow us to even buy it a cool organizer. But it does have a sweet drawing on it.
It's a good, good thing but it makes buying things that aren't accounted for really hard. Even things you need, like shoes. Both of my current chucks ripped up the sides weeks ago (back when there was snow and then more snow). But I haven't been able to buy shoes to replace them until today. Working extra shifts just to get some canvas shoes sure does make you excited to finally purchase them! Too bad they won't get here until next week, free shipping is never fast.
These lovelies are to replace my broken black chucks (I've just been wearing black socks to hide the fact that you can see my feet when I wear them). I've never seen yellow chucks before:
Hopefully they don't get dirty too quick. I haven't decided on lace color yet. Any suggestions? My black ones had green laces. I never use the white ones they come with. Too skinny, too short, overall cheap - in my opinion.
And on to my dream shoes:
I have been trying to find shoes like this for years, YEARS! The $10 green ones kinda like this, that I got in Chicago, where the closest I have come. Those fell apart in about 3 weeks. Here's hoping that these lil ladies last longer and don't give me as many blisters.
Ahh shoes, my feet are excited just thinking of them. Three cheers for All Stars!
Posted by
4:31 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
In between.
A brief, photo by photo, reacap of the time I spent away from my blog.
First off:
Mushrooms Bandits. These little fellows, along with some other handmade stuffed friends, were sold by me at Loop In Motion 2007. It was not as money-full as the previous "Motion" but these guys still make me smile.
Almost everyday I have to go to work - even if only for an hour. So a lot of the time in between was spent working my job. The best part is I also have to bring work home with me:
The Dreaded Schedule.
In December I left childhood behind forever when I turned 30:
This is the birthday cupcake I dropped and then caught before it hit the ground. My hand was covered in yummy, yummy cupcake. This was peanut butter and jelly. My Jameson bought it for me. Being 30 makes me think I am allowed no more excuses for not having my life together. I don't feel older, I just feel less able to comfort myself with the idea that I'm only in my twenties. I no longer am.
Also, there was Christmas:
I would like to introduce William Randolph Pine. He looks all fancy here but he only cost $10 (maybe less) and looked like the sad tree from the Charlie Brown special. He cleans up quite nicely once you add decorations and gifts. The best part, we set him up in our room. I love falling asleep to the Christmas tree lights.
Snow! It snowed again and again and again this year. Just when we thought it was spring - snow, four more times.
This is the view out our kitchen window. Ahh, the alley with the two dumpsters. It's beautiful.
So my last post before my hiatus was the ultrasound of James' sister's baby.
Jack Valentine Holst is now officially 3 days past due.
Posted by
7:34 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
I missed a day.
This is awesome and out of nowhere (except my love of Little Lulu).
I'm attempting to blog everyday.
I promise the post about the Mushroom Bandit is coming. It's going to be part of a longer, photo filled, catch up post. Our new iMac makes it all so much easier.
However, yesterday was spent with our good friend Drew of AshleyG and Drew. He made our iMac all fancy and taught us all sorts of awesome things it can do. They are moving away soon and we needed to use his brain before he takes it to Portland.
Then Ashley joined us (along with our famous roommate - brag brag - JJ Loy who has an article in the current issue of Make Magazine) and we all ate cheap and yummy food while watching "Must See TV".
The long catch-up post will happen. Soon.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Comics make me sad.
So, Cosmic Cherry, yeah...
We submitted it in both email and hard copy form on the same day. Image's website says this is best and they say email will get you a response faster. We know for a fact that they received the hard copy because it was signed for by Eric Stephenson (for those of you who don't know - he's a big guy there). Then... nothing.
So, we waited a month or so and sent a follow up email, as they say you should do. Then... nothing.
A friend of ours who is part owner of Star Clipper (one of the best comic book stores ever and it's right around the corner from us) said that he knows Eric Stephenson and he would host it on the web for us and send him the link. Awesomeness. Then... nothing.
It sucked. A lot. A "no thanks" would have been a million times better than just nothing. Especially when everything on Image's site said that they Do respond, even if it is just a "no thanks".
All of this, especially the very long (months) drawn out process of never hearing back, kinda just squashed us both. It's not like we thought there was no way they'd turn us down. We just didn't prepare, after spending over a month of over 12 hour days working towards something, that it would fall sooooo flat.
And for me, much more than Jas, it has left a bad comic-icky taste in my mouth.
We are scooping ourselves back up but I feel quite done with Cosmic Cherry (still bitter lil me) and figuring out what our next direction is has been hard. Just wanted to put this out there because I am beyond tired of explaining to people "what's up with Cosmic Cherry?". It's weird how people I didn't even know knew about it and are extremely disappointed in this outcome. But none more than us.
Posted by
1:06 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
Super Gumbo and the New iMac
Super Gumbo would like to welcome you all to the first blog from our brand new iMac.
Jas and I saved and saved and finally had enough to buy it with cash! It is very hard to buy from Apple with cash if you do not want a store model. We ended up having to purchase an Apple Giftcard and then order it online using said giftcard. Kinda dumb - but then we got our iMac and it is big and beautiful.
My little iBook is outdated to the point of being unable to run Photoshop and, much more importantly, videos on the web. Oh, YouTube... I waste so much time.
I must get back to posting more. If only to share the final chapter of our adventures in submitting to Image.
Posted by
3:40 PM